This work demonstrates the capability of a Khepera II robot learning specific behaviours (e.g. obstacle avoidance and wall following) by utilizing Neural Q-Learning controllers based on both IR and vision sensors. A highly flexible simulator is developed using Webots for testing the developed controllers before they are validated on the actual robot. For more information, please refer to selected publications

Obstacle avoidance behavior on real and simulated robot

Wall following behavior on real and simulated robot

Selected Publications

Design and Implementation of the Khepera II using Webots Software
W. L. D. Lui
Monash University, 2006
Monash Undergraduate Honours Thesis

Design and Implementation of a Simulated Robot using Webots Software
V. Ganapathy and W. L. D. Lui
Proceedings of the International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Mechatronics Engineering, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 2008, pp. 850-856

Application of Neural Q-Learning on the Khepera-II via Webots Software
V. Ganapathy and W. L. D. Lui
Proceedings of the International Conference on Fascinating Advancement in Mechanical Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India, 2008

Utilization of Webots and the Khepera II as a Platform for Neural Q-Learning Controllers
V. Ganapathy, C. Y. Soh, and W. L. D. Lui
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2009, pp. 783-788